Programs & Services
Life Coaching
A life coach is a person that empowers you to set goals, provides accountability, helps improve the stages of life transition that create stress and barriers. Our team builds trust and authenticity to cultivate positive emotions and a healthier relationship. Our life coach shall develop strategies and individualize plans that target your need, skills, gifts, and talents.
Self-Esteem Program
Our organization understands that generational cycles can impact one's self-esteem and self-worth, but life's changes can alter how we feel about ourselves. This program emphasizes working from the inner issues to enhance outer beauty. Our program addresses utilizing the barriers as a gateway to self-worth, providing affirmation, and creating self-confidence to balance their lives.
Career Counseling
Our organization works with individuals through our Career Counseling Program to assist their skills, needs, and desires to find their passionate careers. Career Counseling provides a clear understanding of vocational options and setting strategic goals to reach the selected job.
Fighting Homelessness
Our organization understands the community's homelessness crisis due to affordable housing and the lack of employment. Our program shall assist the homeless community with the necessary items of the hierarchy of needs.
Support Group
Our Support Group focuses on mental health, family dynamics, LGBTQ acceptance and belonging, discrimination, and healthy relationships. Our program is designed to be a nonjudgmental place that allows free expression and thoughts but empowers people to solve their problems.
Our organization shall continue to advocate on the local, state, and national levels for human rights, equality for all, and programs to reduce poverty in the United States.